How to make all user fields translatable

Translating with WPML the ACF custom fields, the question arises - how to make all fields translatable?

How to make all user fields translatable

When translating with WPML custom fields created by the ACF plugin, the question arises – how to make all fields translatable? Usually on the site there are quite a lot of such fields (hundreds – a typical example) and to click in the WPML settings hundreds of times – quite tedious work.

Below is an example of how to do this with the code.

Create an acf-helper folder at the root of the site. Put two files into it: acf-helper.php and class-acf-helper.php.

Code in acf-helper.php:


require_once '../wp-load.php';

require_once 'class-acf-helper.php';

$acf_helper = new ACF_Helper();
Code in class-acf-helper.php:
 * ACF_Helper class file

 * Class ACF_Helper
class ACF_Helper {
	private $tm = null;

	public function __construct() {
		if ( class_exists( 'SitePress' ) ) {
			$this->tm = wpml_load_core_tm();

	public function make_all_cf_translatable() {
		if ( null === $this->tm ) {
			echo 'Error: WPML Multilingual CMS plugin must be activated.';


		$settings = $this->tm->get_settings();

		$factory = new WPML_Custom_Field_Setting_Query_Factory();
		$query   = $factory->create( WPML_Custom_Field_Setting_Query_Factory::TYPE_POSTMETA );
		$cft     = $query->get( [ 'hide_system_fields' => true ] );
		$cft     = array_fill_keys( $cft, WPML_TRANSLATE_CUSTOM_FIELD );

		$settings[ WPML_POST_META_SETTING_INDEX_PLURAL ] = array_merge(
		$this->tm->settings                              = $settings;

Start acf-helper.php and all user field will become translatable.

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