Our company got a new status: “Certified WPML contractor”. This is an international mark of quality of our web sites, developed on WordPress with the WPML internationalization plugin.
According to W3C survey, WordPress is used on 30% of all web sites in Internet. Many of them have content in several languages. Most widely used is WPML internationalization plugin, developed and supported by OnTheGoSystems.
In January, 2018 the OnTheGoSystems created the contractors club. This club joined approved by OnTheGoSystems freelancers and companies, who actively use WPML. Now there are 189 approved contractors in the club.
Finally, in March, clubs members received invitations to pass certification. At this moment, in the beginning of April, 2018, only 5 contractors, including KAGG Design, passed the certification process.

What next?
We are happy that qualification of our employees and sites with WPML developed by us (especially relevant of them can be found in our Portfolio), got worthy evaluation.
This evaluation is a valuable addition to our status on StackOverflow RU, where our account is the sole holder of WordPress silver badge, and WooCommerce badge. StackOverflow RU is the most important and visited community of Russian-speaking programmers. Therefore, such a confirmation of our knowledge of WordPress, and WooCommerce is very significant for any developer in the industry.
In addition, WPML plans to continue certification process, in which we will take participation to confirm our qualification by additional certificates.
KAGG Design will take all the efforts to confirm the “Certified WPML contractor” status by the high quality of new multilingual sites.